Explore the AUMI Team's Featured Recordings and Music!

Linked are songs created by AUMI users who worked together to create original pieces! The following is some of the music we wanted to highlight for all to hear.
Check Out Our Recordings
"Waiting for Snow" by Julie, Oliver, Drew, Matt, and Sherrie
"Kansas Union" by Julie, Oliver, Drew, Matt, and Sherrie
"Back to Valhalla" by the Pre-Pandemic Ensemble
"Laug Jam" by the Electric Frogs
Thank you to the creative group of musicians--some who know each other and some who don't, some who've played the AUMI before and some who haven't--for crafting delightful, new, improvised music for all to enjoy!
If you are interested in having your original work featured on our website, consider joining us for our next jam!